Nuffnang Top


Friday, October 23, 2009

Facebook - Cafe World Cheats

This will help in your cafe world...

Unlimited Chairs & Tables
Unlimited Stoves & Counters

Things you will need in the cheats..
Internet Browser
Adobe Flash Version 10.0 & Above
Cheat Engine 5.5

Here's how this cheat work..

1, Run your internet browser & open your cafe world..
2, Open CE 5.5..
3, Click & Choose your internet browser as process..
4, Count all your stoves.. (Mark down the quantity)
5, Type in the quantity in the Hex box & click on First Scan..
6, There are a lot of address found on your left..
7, Now drag 1 of your stoves into ur inventory.. (Keep it not sell it)
8, Type in the new quantity in the Hex box & click on Next Scan..
9, Repeat step No,7&8 until the the address found are left only 2 or 3..
10, Then select those 2 or 3 address & press on red arrow..
11, Change the value of the address to 1..
12, Select them & freeze them..
13, Done, now you drag the stoves back into your game.. Many many stoves..

14, Repeat this for the counter, chair & table..

Thanks for viewing..